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Travel Explorations - Our future in Social Media - Google+, Facebook, Twitter and more!

After we in Travel Explorations launched our Google+ page on 9th November 2011, it`s amazing to see how many who have joined us. Compared with the growing of members on our Facebook pages, the growth on our Google+ page has been huge. By focus on inspiring photos, articles and travel tales from adventurous journeys, we hope to drive more traffic and achieve more followers on our Facebook, Google+, Twitter and other social media pages.
New year rocket for 2012

Photo. Google Pluss rises like a rocket. A New Year rocket illuminates also the best wishes for 2012.
© Travel Explorations.

Content is King. That`s what drive traffic to our website and social media pages. Social media is for us channels to reach our potential clients. As we consider it, it`s all about practicing a friendly communication, showing respect and threat people good. When it comes to Social Business, the survey agency GlobalWebIndex writes on its website: The opportunities from social technologies are far larger the everyday advertising campaign,

Travel Explorations` current and coming business partners as tour operators, travel agencies, tourist organisations etc, will also benefit from this. We will attract more clients to them through our well integrated webconcept: website and social media pages.

Our big challenge is to understand how people use social media and how to approach them. We believe all people have to be considered as individuals with different intentions and behaviours. So our communication has to be very targeted if we shall succeed.

Google+ reached 10 million users in just 16 days. Facebook took 852 days and Twitter 780 days to reach the same number of users. So far Google Plus is only for personal accounts. Business accounts are coming later.

Based on recent reports, we are familiar with that Google+ grows fast in general. Many people included me are suprised at how many users have adopted Google+. GlobalWebIndex published statistic on 22nd December 2011 indicating that Google+ hit 150 million active users. Some have shown some skepticism around the data. Several things have happened with Google+ that could explain the increase in users, for example that YouTube got more integrated with Google+. The fact is also that Google is a strong established brand with a large existing userbase. Users who already have a Google Account (for example for using Gmail) can easily create a Google+ Account – Google Pluss. 

The fact is that Google is a strong established brand with a large existing userbase. Users who already have a Google Account (for example for using Gmail) can easily create a Google+ Account – Google Pluss. The U.S. Internet giant Google's social networking Web service Google+ passes 62 million users, adding 625,000 new users per day, and it`s predicted 400 million users by end of 2012. The estimate is made by Ancestry.com founder Paul Allen 28th December 2011 on his Google+ page, is unofficial.

"Unique visitors" are different from "members." Google reported in October that Google+ had 40 million users. The rival Facebook reports that it has currently (in December 2011) more than 800 million users. So where is the developing going in Social Media? One thing is for sure: Google+ is challenging Facebook!

Some advantages with Google+:

  • Circles: This is how you organise your contacts. You can have as many circles as you like, and you can name them anything you please.are at the very core of Google+, and address one of the biggest problems with Facebook: allowing you to control who sees what.
  • Volume Control: Not everyone wants to see pictures of you and your friends, so new features such as this is essentially let you turn the volume up or down on your various streams to customise what you get to see. This makes it easy to modify your stream; if your family and friends are getting too noisy, you can just turn them down.

Future of mobile:
Use of platforms such as the iPhone and iPad, Android OS phones and tablets as well as BlackBerry devices is the future. Here is a strong trend. Of its 800 million users, 350 million of them access Facebook through a mobile device, while in the US and Asia users are estimated to notch up 25 daily visits to Facebook by 2012.

Facebook’s main advantage over its competitors is that it can gather so much information about a person’s life that it can target customers much more directly than Google, but we will see in the future what Google can do about this.

See our Travel Explorations Google+ page! 

We will in the new year keep on attracting more followers to our social media pages as Google+, Facebook, Twitter and others.

Stein Morten Lund, 2 January 2012

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