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Media Plan

Media Plan for Travel Explorations

Travel Explorations` vision is to inspire people to explore the world and achieve unique experiences. Most people can do it if they really knew the opportunities. It's mostly their minds that set limits to their opportunities. Travelling is about attitude, passion and guts. There are some really brave adventurers who show ways for other, and make the world "bigger" for explorations and adventures.
Our main target audience is experienced backpackers and adventure travellers. Some of them like to join groups and others like to explore to the world on their own. They all have a common interest: UNIQUE ADVENTURES!

Last statistic (stats) - February 2005:
• Over 1,000 Unique Visitors per day (based on Unique Visitors per month)!
• And the traffic continues to grow very fast.

Our big challenge is to satisfy visitors (readers) on our website with exciting and useful information, and to make them return again. At the same time we make our best efforts to create value for our partners which promote their offers on our site.

Our Media Plan is divided in two:
1. Publishing of news, articles and more related to our website
2. Activities for reaching external media

Plan for publishing - permanent editorial content:
• Short articles about several features and destinations
• Long articles about some few features and destinations
• Advise to travellers about travelling, health, trends, travel accessories and equipment
• News about expedition and discoveries
• Reviews of books, films and music
• Travel Quiz
• Newsletters
• E-mail campaigns
• Press Releases

Targets groups based on our own database are:
• Eager travellers
• Organisations
• Media
• Travel Companies
• Own different kinds of business partners

Plan for reaching media:
• Media - update and add new relevant media on our list where our advertising, links, articles and other information will be placed.
• Goals - describe specific goals of the advertising, and explanation why and how this plan meets these goals.
• Audience - update and collect useful information about our target audience: analyse traffic statistics on our website and more on external sources regarding demographic, use of internet and other sources, booking habits, tour interests etc. We look for relevant articles or information about travellers, and pay attention to everything that helps us to imagine an individual traveller who is typical for the whole target audience.
• Strategy - Write and update strategies for communication based on our vision, travel trends and focus in external media
• Work out and follow up budget and calendar for activities and publishing.

This kind of media work can also be conducted professionally for clients who want to reach out to media and potential travellers.

We would also like to receive more photos, films, articles and travel tales from travellers around the world. Please see terms and conditions on our website for submission of information material to us.

For more information, please contact us on the following e-mail address:

Edition Travel Explorations
Stein Morten Lund

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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