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Owners - who are we

"I had ambition not only to go further than any one had been before, but as far it was possible for man to go" (Captain James Cook; 1728-1779).

Since we where kids we have gathered inspiration from Captain James Cook, Snorre`s Saga of Viking Kings, Rudyard Kipling, Dr. Livingstone and Thor Heyerdahl, about travelling and explorations. Our genuine interest in travel adventures and explorations have encouraged us to found Travel Explorations (www.travelexplorations.com).

Photo: Geir Moen and Stein Morten Lund displays artifacts and gifts collected from some of their tours.

During 17 years of travelling around the world, we have established good relationship with people who like travelling and working in the travel industry.

We believe there are still untouched areas and tribes to visit; however the world is quickly becoming smaller. We are the first generation to have the means and opportunities to travel far and long. Consequently and ironically we are also the last generation to experience indigenous cultures and tribes relatively untouched. Based on this we will gather the most exciting information and stories from people who really know what exploring is about.

We encourage you to; go explore - travel explorations - the web site guide for the new generation traveller.

User-customer vision
Travel Explorations` aim is to be an independent global leader of visualising exciting travel destinations and explorations for experienced backpackers and adventurers. We are also a travel agency powered by the growth of the Internet, and offer exciting tours most places around the world.

Business vision
Travel Explorations` ambition is to be the world's most attractive exhibition window for tour operators and vendors within the travel industry and related industries. We intend to give travellers an overview of unique tour operators and other vendors who can attract them to exciting places and give them extraordinary experiences.

  • What is our value service statement?
    Travel Explorations is an independent interactive information guide about travel explorations! We are committed to:
    Visualise the most exciting travel destinations
  • Inspire people to travel to off beaten tracks and search for extraordinary adventures
  • Give useful information and advises how travellers can arrange their trips

What is our mission?
Follow the world's greatest travel explorations with us! Travelling make our lives more exciting to live. Trough our colourful web site travelexplorations.com you can experience off beaten tracks, exciting places, exotic tribes, mysteries, wildlife, incredible journeys and explorations. Just as they happen with strong personal stories and photos. Follow us as we explore the world's unique and unknown places.

Our mission is to inspire people to explore more of the beautiful, mysterious and unfamiliar world, and to achieve unique adventures! At our web site we are committed to provide you with information designed to your individual wants and needs. We will also explore new things about places where people already have been to. Instead of focusing on facts, we find it more interesting to understand other peoples mind and spirit, thoughts and feelings.

At our Enquiry Box you are welcome to send comments about our web site, or ask us questions about travelling. Please note that we will not be able to answer everybody. In our Forums you have the opportunity to talk to others about your travel experiences. We appreciate all good comments and advice, but aware of that commercial promotions related to these services are not allowed. Do you have any questions or comments about our policy and us; we would like to hear from you.

Please send your e-mail to stein@travelexplorations.com. Potential investors, who would like to take part in our vision to be a leading online travel guide, are welcome to contact us too.

Privacy policy

  1. Publishing of news, articles, stories and advise on our website, is based on genuine experiences and considerations, and is not related to any payment in exchange for positive coverage.
  2. Regarding advertising: we don't take any responsibilities for products or services not delivered or wrongly delivered by the advertisers.
  3. Be aware that we don't take any responsibilities for any accidents or unpleasant incidents that happen on journeys inspired by us. All travelling is based on your own risk.
  4. Since our concept is primarily based on information from personal experiences and stories, we will not be able to verify it completely. Therefore we cannot take the responsibility for any inaccurate or wrongly information.
  5. We intend to strictly protect personally identifiable information relating to you, our users and subscribers.
  6. We do not collect personally identifying information about individuals, except when specifically and knowingly given by such individuals.
  7. We do not control the privacy policies of our business partners, investors, advertisers, sponsors or other sites to which we provide hyperlinks. Users should also be aware that, when you voluntarily disclose personal information in Forums, such information may be collected by others and may result in the receipt of unsolicited messages.
  8. Travel Explorations is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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