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Shakespeare the hidden truth - Oak Island, Canada


Amundsen claims to prove that William Shakespeare's works are not written by the author himself. Through hidden messages and codes, Amundsen reached the wonders hides a treasure map - a map that leads to a treasure on Oak Island at the coast of Nova Scotia, an island that has been in the spotlight for treasure hunter through hundreds of years. That is where he is heading.

Based on information on the website for crowding, New Jelly, the film producer Videomaker AS, writes: "A windfall opportunity has presented itself. Videomaker AS may witness the draining of the Oak Island swamp, camera in hand. According to Petter Amundsen's theories this allegedly artificial swamp may hide the location of the ultimate point X, making its draining a possible climax in this world-famous, two-centuries long treasure hunt."

NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) has committed itself to purchase a 25-minutefilm made from this operation. In addition, the documentary film: "Shakespeare - the Hidden Truth" will be extended, and possibly also cut into two or three episodes for the international TV market. According to Videomaker, their budget for this film is set at NOK 750,000. So far this film producer has invested close to four million NOK in the project that has resulted in a four part TV series ( Shakespeares Skjulte Koder) and a full-length film (Shakespeare- the Hidden Truth). There is considerable risk of losing the amount invested. Altruism and curiosity should lead you - not a desire for quick profit.

For more information about the project and contribution to funding: New Jelly. NewJelly is a website that funds your creativity. This site helps the funding of all kinds of creative projects - be it art, food, technology, film, music or design.
Stein Morten Lund,12th August 2013

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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