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Amazing Places
Here we present the most exciting destinations on earth. The world is bigger than you think! Humans` explorations of earth leads to the most amazing adventures. Neither words, photograps nor films do the world`s places justice - they must been seen, heard and touched.

Jerusalem, Israel - Praying at the Western Wall

Praying at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem took place after the Temple was destroyed by the Titus and the Romans in 70 A.D. The Western Wall was the only wall remaining of the Temple, and witness people`s praying here today is really an interesting experience. 

Jesus,burial site,Jerusalem,Isreal

Jerusalem, Israel - Walked in the final steps of Jesus

As one of billions around the world I have heard of Jesus Christ, but not so many know much about the places he walked, ministered, lived, and become arrested, executed and buried. Jesus's final steps in Jerusalem are still discussed by historicans. The New Testament covers places associated with Jesus, but are they really identified?

2019-08-15 Read more

Ein Gedi,Ein Gedi Nature Reserve,israel

Ein Gedi natural reserve, Israel - A tropical paradise

Hiking in Ein Gedi nature reserve - a tropical paradise. It has the biggest oasis in Israel. Admired beautiful springs and waterfalls, and flowing brooks at the foot of the cliffs. There are also swimming holes and a cave here. This part of the Judean desert is home to wild goats ibexes and rock rabbit hyraxes.

2019-08-13 Read more

The Blomsholm Stone Ship, stone circle, Stromstad, Sweden. Strømstad, Sverige.

The Blomsholm stone ship - Strømstad, Sweden

For almost 2,000 years, the Blomsholm Ship has 'sailed' across the meadows. It covers also a pre-historic grave: does it symbolise the buried person's last journey?

Ananuri castle,Georgia

Ananuri Castle, Georgia - Battles, secrets and legends

Ananuri is one of hundreds of Georgian medieval castles, named after the next village, on the Georgian Military Road. The castle and the fortress were built in 16th century by the Dukes of Aragv which ruled the area since the 13th century. 

Narikala,Narikala Fortress,Tbilisi,Georgia

Tbilisi, Georgia - Full of attractions

Throughout history the Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, has been invaded, burnt and restored several times, but still shows its eternal beauty and rich culture. Of the most amazing sights is Narikala, which is an ancient fortress on a steep hill overlooking the city, and the Mtkvari River.Took a climb to the top and really felt the dramatic history. 

2019-07-04 Read more


Rabati Castle, Akhaltsikhe town in Georgia - From wars to peace

Admired the old stone fortress Rabati Castle, in the town of Akhaltsikhe, Georgia. It stands on a small hill on the shores of the Potskhovi river. The fortress had been destroyed and rebuilt several times. It has therefore absorbed tracks of different cultures and religions. Now a symbol for how people of different backgrounds and identities can live together peacefully. 

2019-07-04 Read more


Slottfjellet, Tønsberg, Tonsberg, Norway - A landmark in Norway`s oldest town

On a beautiful hot summerday, Friday 6h July 2018, I found Slottsfjellet site and tower in Tønsberg town really breathtaking - not only for its beauty, but also for its history, age, lanscape and viewpoint. The Slottfjellet Tower was lightened up by the strong sunshine. Here I got a full panorama view over the whole town.

Vardzia cave city,Erusheti Mountain,Georgia,UNESCO

Vardzia caves, Georgia - Amazed by the ancient wonder

Travelled into the wilderness in Georgia: through deep valleys and green rocky hillsides I reached this wonder of the world. Here there are hundreds of rooms, tunnels, a spring, kitchen, cermony chambers, and a church with old frescoes, all carved into the mountain itself. In ancient time thousands of people lived here.

2019-06-08 Read more

Kazbek,Kazbek mountain,Gergeti Trinity church,Tsminda Sameba.

Gergeti Trinity church, Kazbek mountain, Georgia - Closer to god

Kazbek mountain with the Gergeti Trinity church, also called Tsminda Sameba. Here we were surrounded by an amazing landscape with cream top mountains. We started from Kazbegi, also known as Stepantsminda. It's a small town north of Georgia and located 10km away from the Russian border. The town is located in a beautiful valley with the Kazbek Mountain as the highest peak in the country with 5,047 meters.

Djemaa El Fna,Jemaa el Fna square,Marrakesh,Morocco,Africa,Marracesh,Marokko,marocco

Djemaa El Fna square, Marrakesh, Morocco, Africa - The show must go on!

After the sunset everything erupted in a beautiful madness in Djemaa el Fna square. First call for preyer through the loudspeakers, and so the real action started in the dark with insanely noise from all kind entertainment and activities: storytelling, music, singing, drumming, dancing, shouting, snake charming, monkeys shows and more. If you are looking for chaos, you can find it just here at the night market in Marrakech.

Munich, Bayern – The rise of Hitler and the Nazism

Munich, Bayern – The rise of Hitler and the Nazism

How did the Austrian watercolour painter Adolf Hitler rise to power, and how did a civilized society as in Germany come to embrace his extreme ideas? These have been my enduring questions since I was a kid. On 1st November 2018 I joined a walking tour with a guide to sights in Munich where Hitler and the Nazism started to grow, and hoped to get some answers.

Hofbräuhaus am Platzl,Munich,Germany

Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, Munich - Dark secret from past

Always fullpacked. You can immediately feel the energy and joy here. Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, Munich - the place for beer, music and socialising. Just take a step inside and you will be lifted up to great hights. This beer hall has also a dark secret from past: Hitler used to make speeches here to Nazi supporters. 

Fredriksten fortress,Halden,Norway,Fredriksten festning

Fredriksten fortress, Halden, Norway - Often attacked, but never conquered

The fortress is the site of some of the most dramatic events in Norwegian history. It has been attacked six times by the Swedish, but never conquered. The only way the Swedish could enter the fortress were as tourists.

Akershus fortress,old gate,Oslo,Norway,Akershus festning

Akershus fortress - Evening ghost walk in the old town of Oslo, Norway

The area is full packed with creepy stories that have made deep marks, especially at Akershus festning - a place for restless spirits. This fortress is believed to be one of the most haunted places in Norway, and I can understand why.

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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